Emerald Laser

Introducing the Emerald Laser 

The first FDA approved Fat-Loss Laser  

Emerald Laser

Erchonia’s Emerald laser is an FDA Market-Cleared full body fat loss treatment that allows clients to target areas of stubborn fat. Emerald Laser treats overall body circumference and is the only device FDA cleared to treat those with a BMI up to 40. Applied externally, the laser targets excess fat by emulsifying fatty tissue through the use of cold laser technology developed by Erchonia.

FDA Market Cleared to Treat Individuals up to 40 BMI
No Bruising, No Swelling, No Freezing, No Downtime
Average Circumference Loss of 5.99″
Results in as Little as 2 Weeks

How it Works

Emerald works by utilizing Erchonia’s patented green low level laser technology to emulsify adipose tissue, which is then released into the interstitial space. Our bodies remove the fat from the area and transport it through the lymphatic system.

The process occurs gradually over the course of about 2-4 weeks. Because there is downtime with the Emerald System, patients can continue their everyday routines immediately after treatment.

Unlike liposuction or fat freezing (cryolipolysis), Emerald laser treatments empty the fat cells but don’t destroy them. This is an important distinction between cold-laser sculpting and some of the competitors. While killing fat cells may sound like a permanent solution to fat accumulation, it can be dangerous. If you gain weight after those treatments end, the body can only store fat in the remaining cells, resulting in increased fat accumulation elsewhere.


This 30-minute treatment is straightforward and causes no discomfort. Your Emerald provider will have you lie on a comfortable table on your back. The lasers will be applied to target areas of fat simultaneously for approximately 15 minutes. You’ll then lie on your front, where the process will be repeated.

Once you find a provider near you, you will schedule a consultation. In your one-on-one consultation, your provider will learn more about you and your health habits, goals, and expectations, so that they may tailor a treatment plan to meet your needs. The number of treatments you can expect in your treatment package will vary based on your individual needs and goals.

For Medical Professionals

Emerald Laser was FDA market cleared after two double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trials demonstrated overall body circumference reduction. It is currently the only device to receive FDA clearance to treat individuals up to 40 BMI, which enables our providers to exclusively treat morbidly obese patients. Additional research has proven that this process is not likely to result in elevated plasma lipids, plasma triglycerides, or cholesterol in the patient.

This professional laser machine utilizes ten low-intensity 532-nanometer lasers to target fat cells in the stomach, hips, back, thighs, and arms.

Advantages Over Other Fat Loss Options

  • This is a non-invasive procedure.
  • Results in weeks instead of months.
  • It’s not only performed on an outpatient basis; there is no downtime – patients can resume normal activities immediately.
  • The process is painless, which means that the patient remains awake and there is no local anesthetic requirement. Patients usually feel nothing and those who are able to feel it compare it to a slight tingling.
  • The process is fast, and each session only takes approximately 30 minutes.
  • After thousands of treatments and several studies, there are no known side effects.
  • Unlike cryolipolysis (fat freezing) or lipectomy, the fat cells shrink, but they survive the process. This is less risky than a cell-killing process, which can result in fat accumulating in other areas of the body.
  • Clinical results demonstrated multiple-inch loss instead of cryolipolysis and radiofrequency that showed only millimeters lost in circumference reduction after several months.

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