Understanding Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness

You don't have to wait until you get sick in order to see a caring practitioner, such as Dr. Rolando Alvarez M.D., M.S. – Age Management Medicine Specialist and Nuclear Medicine Physician. Thanks to his expertise in functional medicine you have access to comprehensive health services in Boynton Beach, FL, and Palm Beach, FL, that can get to the root of a lingering problem. Our providers use a range of techniques to help patients live a better life. If you want to improve your health under the guidance of a caring practitioner, now is the time to check out the services at PharmXhealthOne.

What Does Functional Medical Care Consist Of?

 When you visit a practitioner like Dr. Alvarez, your care is personalized in a way that accounts for every aspect of your life in order to help you maintain wellness. Part of your functional medical plan consists of health coaching. In other words, a doctor may suggest lifestyle changes that can help you improve your health, such as stress management techniques to reduce your risk of problems such as headaches and fatigue.

Functional medicine in Boynton Beach, FL, and Palm Beach, FL, can also include nutritional counseling, so you can use your diet to get all the vitamins and minerals required for optimal functioning. When you're deficient in vitamin D, it can affect your calcium intake. That lack of calcium can affect your bone density. If Dr. Alvarez notices you have skin problems, he may suggest adding more vitamin C to your diet to enhance the production of collagen and elastin. The focus is on prevention and health abundance as opposed to treating one aspect of disease. 

Who Should See a Functional Medicine Practitioner?

 Are you tired of doctors who seem to be in and out of the room in five minutes? If so, then a doctor who uses a functional health care approach is right for you. These doctors take time to have a consultation and consider everything in your life that may be holding you back from your best. They look at your diet, lifestyle, family history, and living environment. In other words, they're not just going to give you a pill to take after only looking at one or two symptoms. 

Have you been sick with a chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, or autoimmune issues and not gotten good results from other approaches? Looking into a more functional medicine approach may be the right solution.

Improve your health by seeking an expert in functional medicine in Boynton Beach, FL, and Palm Beach, FL. Dr. Alvarez is a caring practitioner who uses a personalized approach to improve your health. For the PharmXhealthOne office in Boynton Beach, FL, call 561-847-4654 for the office in Palm Beach at 561-202-8427.

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